Getting harder… / Easter

The past few weeks Meran and I have really started to notice how hard it is to leave each other for the night/week.  As you may know, our schedules don’t work very well for us seeing each other Monday through Thursday but then we get to have the majority of Friday to Sunday together.  So like I said, it’s getting

Bubble bath, peace and quiet

  As some of you know I have been battling with something that I can’t quite identify but its not pleasant flu like thing. So today I came home ready to crash but I couldn’t quite relax so I decided to do something I haven’t done since probably November. I decided I would take a

T-Minus 200 days…

According to our website, today marks 200 days until our wedding day.  In one way, It makes it sound so close and yet it seems so far away.  Meran has been great with planning everything.  It is just about planned.  Now it just needs implemented. I have to admit, Meran had a good idea with

Aches and Pains

This past weekend involved aches and pains.  Friday Meran had a chiropractic appointment. I also had a consultation from the same place since I have had some back pain as well.  The adjustment Meran got helped quite a bit thankfully as she had her first clinic (massage school) on Saturday.  As she told me, it

Long Week…

Last week felt like a really long week.  Monday evening I did some computer tech support. I unexpectedly got to see Meran as it was president’s day and she had the night off of school.  That was a highlight of the week.  The rest of the work week drug on forever it seemed.  Friday finally came

Valentines Day

I know its a little late but I figured better late than never. So on the actual Valentines day Steven and I didn’t really do anything to celibate so we decided to wait till Friday when I had off school and he didn’t have to work. He came over with a whole vase of  purple


This past week or so I have been fighting a cold and a cough.  Meran has been so great taking care of me.  We were going to go to an electronics class on Saturday (the class was on e-textiles. Both Meran and I were looking forward to it).  But I wasn’t feeling up to it


We posted our first four engagement photos a while back but didn’t put any more up here because our photographer wanted to edit a few of them before. just the other day we finally got them! its exciting at least for me. they are in the photos section of the website…enjoy 😀

Catch Up

Hello followers…  This past week has been pretty nice.  After picking up Meran at the airport last Sunday, we caught up with each other on the weekends events.  Even though she was only gone a couple days, it felt like much longer.  The way our schedules work, we don’t really get to see each other Monday through

Meran going away

Today Meran is going back to Idaho to go dress shopping with her mom, sister and best friend. So at 4 AM I went to pick her up but went on a walk with her first. I can’t wait till she is back on Sunday.